Grand opening

Last night, we had our "Grand opening meeting", with the lady mayoress of Ellesmere Port Lynn Clare attending and also the new Cheshire Federation Chairwoman, along with the South Wirral Group chairwoman and also our WI Advisor Georgina Denny.

We had a motivational speaker, Kate Hutchinson, who gave us a most wonderful talk about Transgender issues and her thoughts and feelings on this, along with how her life has changed.
Kate got a rounding applause and answered any questions that where put to her.

A buffet was then enjoyed by members who had brought donations of food along for all to enjoy!

One of our members Diane Brown made our marvellous cake from the evening, based on our leaflet for the evening taken from our theme "International Women's Day"

Here are a few of the photo's from last night, that have been scrapped

 Our President Adele and our Communications Chair Clare

 Kerry our Treasurer and our Asst Secretary Vicky

Last but not least.....our President Adele


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