Centenary Celebrations and Resolutions

Sapphires had the pleasure of listening to a talk about the Resolutions being put forward by WI's in 2019 for consideration as to the Resolution members will vote for at the AGM in Bournemouth in June 2019. The new CFWI advisor Alia El Asmar came and gave us a brief talk on resolutions and timescales and also what the WI has achieved since 1918. Our Second Speaker for the night was Jean Harding the Chairwoman of CFWI. she told Sapphires all about the Centenary Celebrations for 100 years of the Cheshire Federation in 2020. Events taking place in 2020 25 TH FEBRUARY – CENTENARY CONCERT, CHESTER CATHEDRAL WITH CELEBRATORY SONGS. FEDERATION CHOIR WILL BE PERFORMING. THE TRUSTEES INVITE WI CHOIRS TO PERFORM ONE OR TWO SONGS OR A WI SKETCH LASTING NO MORE THAN 5 MINUTES. PLEASE FORWARD YOUR APPLICATION TO WI HOUSE, CHESTER BY 29 TH MARCH 2019. SUBMIT A SHORT RESUME OF YOUR PERFORMANCE AND THE SONG(S) YOU WILL PERFORM. M...